Will You Join Us as a DoNation Workplace Partner?

Your company or organization can help save lives through this national and local initiative. Will you join us as a DoNation workplace partner?
The DoNation Workplace Partners Program, introduced nationally by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and coordinated locally by Infinite Legacy, provides a unique opportunity to educate your employees or members about a growing health crisis: the severe shortage of organs and tissue available for transplant.
This program will not cost your company or organization anything and will demonstrate your commitment to the health and well-being of your employees, members, customers, audiences and the community as a whole. You can play a vital role in helping us educate, raise awareness and register donors to save and enhance lives through organ, eye and tissue donation.

Now Is the Time
Be part of this unique opportunity to showcase your commitment to health and the community and educate your employees or members about saving and enhancing lives through organ, eye and tissue donation.
There are many ways that your company or organization can participate in the Workplace Partners Program. We can assist you in many ways, from awareness materials to presentations to content for your internal and external communications.
How You Can Help
- Print an article in your company/member newsletter announcing your participation in the Workplace Partners Program.
- Follow up in subsequent issues with additional articles or awareness graphics.
- Share Infinite Legacy's posts and/or donation-related content via your social media channels.
- Invite Infinite Legacy to your health fairs and/or wellness events. Schedule a speaker from Infinite Legacy for a brown bag event, staff meeting or other employee/member gathering.
- Start a company team at our Annual Donate Life Family Fun Run.
- Participate in Donate Life Month campaigns in April such as National Blue and Green Day.
- Include a link to the Infinite Legacy website on your website or post the Infinite Legacy web banner on your site.
- Set a goal to register a certain number of donors within your company or organization via online registries.
- Create a Workplace Partners Program donation awareness bulletin board with statistics, feature stories, resource contact numbers and websites.

If you are interested in learning more and becoming a Workplace Partner, please contact us at communityoutreach@infinitelegacy.org.